PartSource will not price match items which are the subject of typographical or advertising errors or misprints (e.g. PartSource will only price match competitor brick and mortar retail locations that are within a radius of 20km from where price match is being requested within Canada. Price Match Guarantee: PartSource will match any local competitor’s regular or advertised in-store Canadian retail price on an identical in-stock item at checkout or within thirty (30) days of purchase at a PartSource store. We reserve the right to limit quantities, to correct typographical, illustrative or pricing errors, and unless otherwise indicated, to offer substitute equivalent products, where advertised products are unavailable or in the event of advertising errors. For certain promotional items such as but not limited to hot buys, special buys, clearance and seasonal items and bonus with purchase items, shop early for best selection as no rainchecks or substitutes will be given. Certain items may be subject to additional fees, or charges including environmental handling or disposal fees, which may vary by Province. Market conditions may cause prices to change without notice. Regular prices in the flyer are PartSource’s suggested regular prices. Regular prices shown are PartSource’s regular prices at which the products will be offered by PartSource as of December 2022. Some products may require assembly and delivery lead time. Please check your local store for availability. Product, service availability, and selection may vary by store.